How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
In the construction of our A2 trailer we had access to a variety of modern technologies. We used a video camera which stored our footage on an SD card (San Disk card), the SD card allowed us to transfer our footage onto the imacs which allowed us to then use editing software such as imovie to give our trailer a more professional look. We used the video camera for a range of different camera shots, many of those that complied with the typical slasher movie shots. The editing software (imovie) allowed us to edit the brightness and contrast of our footage. For example the opening mid shot in our trailer, the brightness and saturation was altered in order to make the shot look darker and unnatural.

When creating the font for anon we browsed through different fonts on ‘Dafont’ but none of them appealed to us as they were to simple and didn’t stand out to us. We worked together to make our own font using ‘paint’, this is a very simple programme to use and with experimenting with different shapes and the use of other fonts we managed to create our font.
During the research stages of our A2 project we watched a wide range of YouTube video’s to gain inspiration for our trailer.
We initially deconstructed a music video by ‘Tyler the Creator’ called ‘Yonkers’, the lighting and camera work in this video appealed to us the most. We liked how the camera kept going in and out of focus, and during the hanging scene it was a silhouette of someone. This linked to our trailer as it is mysterious and anonymous. This encouraged us to keep the killers identity hidden and also the victims, the only victim you can identity is the girl at the end, the others faces are hidden.
Despite not being of the same genre as our trailer, we creating our website, we took inspiration from ‘Cloverfields’ website. The simplicity of it, having photos of the events in the film collaged across the page was very appealing. This influenced our website as we had a video in the background rather than photo’s and kept everything very simple.
When creating our branding scene we created multiple storyboards in order for it to be in the right place of the trailer. Originally we were going to have the branding scene built up throughout the trailer, but decided against this because we felt it would be more effective in having multiple torture scenes. When had an issue with the lighting when filming the branding scene as it was too dark, we overcame this problem by using natural lighting in the filming and then editing the brightness of the footage on iMovie.
Once our draft of our teaser trailer was complete we uploaded it to YouTube and facebook in order to get some audience feedback. Our audience commented on both links which gave us the opportunity to see what they liked and disliked about the trailer, we were then able to edit the trailer to appeal to our audience.