How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?
Our teaser trailer and our ancillary tasks all have consistant themes running through them which links them, making them more effective. The common themes are our typography, the killers mask with the motif and the static imagery.
We had many different ideas for our poster and it took a few tries to get the right one. It took us a while to decide what we wanted on our poster, as in if we wanted to focus on the slasher side of our trailer or the technology side. These are two we designed before making our final one.
The one on the left was part of our initial planning as we later went on to change the name and typography. This poster would have been a CONVENTIONAL SLASHER POSTER as it featured the killers mask and the gothic typography. However, it did not represent the technology side of our trailer. We wanted it to have a more modern and current look.
The poster on the right was the first poster we designed after changing the name and typography. We liked the idea of just having static as the background as it highlighted the film contained a TECHNOLOGY STORY LINE, however it did not show that it was a slasher too. We played around with different static to use on our trailer and posted them on our YOUTUBE CHANNEL to get feedback. This poster is ambiguous as it GIVES NOTHING AWAY which would have been good paired with a our teaser trailer. But this poster would not be memorable and therefore not grab people's attention.
Our poster is an image of the killers mask which conforms to the codes and conventions of the slasher genre. KILLERS ARE USUALLY DISGUISED in some way and this is often featured on the poster. An example of this is featured on our DECONSTRUCTION PAGE where we looked at the poster for "ONE MISSED CALL"
We also followed this convention and made sure our MOTIF WAS RECOGNISABLE on the mask as it was an iconic to our film. The motif is also the shape of the brand we use in our trailer that we hoped to be the most memorable aspect of the trailer.
Initially the mask was to be red, however we changed it to a blue colour to represent technology and a computer screen. This challenges the codes and coventions of a slasher as it would be expected to see red in a slasher poster or trailer. Initially we used the RED MASK IMAGE as the background for our website but when we decided to use the BLUE MASK IMAGE we found that it gave a much colder and eerier effect.
The typography on our poster is the same as our trailer. It is also an ICONIC IMAGE for our film that is a constant theme running through our trailer and ancillary tasks.
Our typography is clean cut straight lines. It is quite a modern style which is what we wanted as there are elements of MODERN COMMUNICATION such as the internet in our trailer. We wanted it to be minimalistic to emulate an almost futuristic feel. However, in our trailer we contrasted this text with static which flashes on screen to confuse and disorientate the audience.We used this as our typography but we also liked it as a brand for our film so it was recognisable to our audience. We explained why we chose this and changed the name of our film on our PROGRESS PAGE.

Our website continues with the themes of the motif, mask and static that is seen in our trailer.
In our website we used the blue mask with the motif on as the background interwoven with the static. This is similar to our trailer. On the home page of our website we wrote the speech our protagonist says at the beginning of our trailer. This gives the audience a chance to read it properly for themselves to GAGE THE NARRATIVE of our film. The speech is central to our film so we found it important to mention it on our website.
The typography on our home page is similar to the TYPOGRAPHY of our title. We kept it simple and clean which reflects the technology aspect of our trailer. The text on the page also has a technology look to it which is consistent with the rest of the typography.
The sound in the background of our website is the same SOUND that is on our trailer when the killers speech is interupted by the static. This is also a consistent theme and gives our website a slightly EERIE feel which is necessary for a slasher.
The image from our poster is used as the background for our website. This is to keep the themes throughout our work and make it instantly recognisable for our audience who have seen the poster. The same typography is used on both, again for continuity.
For our main product and ancillary texts in A2 we relied on a wealth of information gained from our AS course. As two members of the group had previously done a film opening connoting to the CODES AND CONVENTIONS of the Horror/Slasher genre, it was vital that we encorporated our prior knowledge of the genre into our A2 work. We knew that one of the conventions of a Horror/slasher is having low key lighting and a masked killer. From this we decided that the main product and ancillary texts in A2 had to include these features, in order to create a uniform look and connote to the conventions of the genre.
For our main product and ancillary texts in A2 we relied on a wealth of information gained from our AS course. As two members of the group had previously done a film opening connoting to the CODES AND CONVENTIONS of the Horror/Slasher genre, it was vital that we encorporated our prior knowledge of the genre into our A2 work. We knew that one of the conventions of a Horror/slasher is having low key lighting and a masked killer. From this we decided that the main product and ancillary texts in A2 had to include these features, in order to create a uniform look and connote to the conventions of the genre.